January Reconnect Challenge
8 Seasons
It's time to build long lasting, healthy habits that take you through the year, not just the first week of it!
Enjoy 4 weeks of curated movement, meditation, healthy recipes and connection. Choose from 'Beginner' to 'Challenging' weekly plans and don't forget to join the dedicated WhatsApp community page too:) We can't wait to be on this journey to health with you, Rachel & Hannah x
24:16Episode 1
24min Standing Pilates Sculpt
Episode 1
In this class, we will be focusing on sculpting and strengthening the arms and lower body using 1lb weights to intensify the movements. It is a short but powerful class that will be sure to get the heart rate up and work the core muscles in the entire body.
As always, the props are only suggestio... -
20:14Episode 2
Overflowing Heart Yoga Nidra
Episode 2
Yoga Nidra, or yogic sleep, is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping. This session will guide you back to your heart space allowing you to cultivate more love, light and healing towards both your body and mind. 20mins of deep Yoga Nidra can have the same effect as 8hrs of sleep. Ge...
41:47Episode 3
Power Yoga (Advanced)
Episode 3
An advanced yoga class to help you progress your practice and take on the challenge of a more demanding flow. Suitable for intermediate to advanced level practitioners.
14:36Episode 4
Sleep Meditation
Episode 4
Listen to this guided meditation in bed and allow your body and mind to drift off into a deeply restful slumber.
09:45Episode 5
10mins Booty
Episode 5
An express booty workout to fire up the glutes and get the heart rate elevated!