

Listen to your body. Does it need more kindness and a gentle approach to movement and mindfulness this week? Depending on your mood, your energy levels and (if you menstruate) the time in your cycle, your routine will need to change with it. This collection is perfect for making sure you keep connected to your body with gentle movement and mindfulness, without over exerting yourself unnecessarily.

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  • Acceptance Meditation

    Acceptance should never be confused with giving up, or giving in. Acceptance is the act of choosing to be in the moment, to embrace rather than resist your own reality and to have the conscious awareness to know that no matter what situation you find yourself in, nothing is ever permanent.

  • Sleep Enhancing Yoga

    Incorporating gentle tension releasing movement and mindfulness into you night time routine will have a profound impact on the quality and depth of your sleep. Enjoy 20mins of yoga designed to relax and unwind both body and mind. The perfect pre bedtime routine!

  • Relieve Stress & Anxiety Meditation

    Enjoy the benefits of this 10mins meditation to relieve feelings of stress and anxiety. Listening to this regularly will help keep you calm, focused and minimise the anxious feelings that can manifest in the body.
    Every individual has different reasons for meditating, from relieving job stress a...

  • Overflowing Heart Yoga Nidra

    Yoga Nidra, or yogic sleep, is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping. This session will guide you back to your heart space allowing you to cultivate more love, light and healing towards both your body and mind. 20mins of deep Yoga Nidra can have the same effect as 8hrs of sleep. Ge...

  • Affirmations for Burnout

    Burnout is a state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. Listen to these affirmations daily to help ease feelings of overwhelm, anxiety and mental fatigue.

  • Breathe Into CALM

    Take time to reset and find balance using your breath.

  • Yin for Grounding

    Slow down and connect back into your body with this meditative, deep tissue release.

    Yin yoga helps promote balance within your body by working the deep connective tissues, fascia and ligaments. Like other forms of yoga, yin yoga provides many benefits, such as:
    Increasing your overall flexibil...